功夫怎么样( 五 )


Time magazine:Moviemaking doesn't get much smarter, funnier, handsomer, better than this.(时代杂志:没有比这更聪明、好笑、酷毙的电影了 。)
Entertainment weekly:All of Kung Fu Hustle is like that: You don't just watch it, you ride with it, laughing all the way.(娱乐周刊:你不应该只看功夫,你应该与之共舞,从头笑到底 。)
还有很多的review,有兴趣可以去看 。
另外,美国喜剧工作者,加菲猫之父比尔莫瑞评价功夫:功夫是当代喜剧的最高成就,并且称功夫在上映之日美国喜剧工作者应当默哀一天 。
Kung Fu Hustle is the supreme achievement of the modern age in terms of comedy.
Rottentomatos的主编Matt Atchity将功夫列为有史以来最爱的五部电影之一