Passage Five
Luckily, these 4 simple practices can help us all navigate our daily interactions for better communication:
1: Recognize that passive hearing and active listening are not the same. Engage actively with the verbal and nonverbal feedback of others, and adjust your message to facilitate greater understanding.
2: Listen with your eyes and ears, as well as with your gut. Remember that communication is more than just words.
3. Take time to understand as you try to be understood. In the rush to express ourselves, it's easy to forget that communication is a two-way street. Be open to what the other person might say.
4: Be aware of your personal perceptual filters. Elements of your experience, including your culture, community, and family influence how you see the world. Say, “This is how I see the problem — but how do you see it?” Don't assume that your perception is the objective truth; that'll help you work toward sharing a dialog with others to reach a common understanding, together.
1: 认识到被动聆听和主动倾听是不一样的 。积极地参与他人的语言和非语言的反馈,调整你的消息来促进更好的理解 。
2:用你的眼睛和耳朵,以及你的直觉来倾听 。记住,沟通不仅仅是语言 。
3:当你期望别人理解你的时候,你也花点时间去理解对方 。在急于表达自己的时候,我们很容易忘记交流是双向的 。你应该对别人可能会说的话敞开心扉 。
4: 注意你的个人感知过滤器 。你的经历,包括你的文化、社区和家庭,都影响着你如何看待这个世界 。说:“这就是我看到问题的方式——但你怎么看呢?” 不要认为你的感知就是客观事实; 这将有助于分享你的想法,让双方达成共同的理解 。
Be subjective: Something that issubjective is based on personal opinions and feelings rather than on facts. 主观的
Be Perceptual:it is relating to the way people interpret and understand what they see or notice. 理解的; 感知的
Clay: Clay is a kind ofearth that is soft when it is wet and hard when it is dry. Clay is shaped andbaked to make things such as pots and bricks. 黏土
To navigate: Whena ship or boat navigates an area of water, it sails on or across it. 航行
A gut: 直觉
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