成功商务职场英语unit4答案 成功商务职场英语unit2( 七 )

33 . A 34. C 35. A 36. B 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. C
Ⅴ. 41. While Mary was shopping, the alien entered the supermarket.
42. The alien was looking at the souvenirs when the shop assistant called the police.
43. The girl was so frightened that she couldn’t move when seeing the wolf.
44. She was surprised to see the UFO in the daytime.
45. looked on 46. happened to Tom 47. Why not give 48. What were, doing 49. didn’t find, anywhere 50. Where was
Ⅵ. 51. started 52. worked 53. so 54. still 55. talk
56. driver 57. easy 58. help 59. after 60. sleep
Ⅶ. A 61. B 62 .C 63 .A 64 .C 65. D
B 66. UFOs 67. No, it isn’t. 68. One large and six smaller objects.
69. No, it wasn’t .
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