狮子座的英文 狮子座的英文缩写( 二 )

Leo love to be in the limelight, and they are possessive.
狮子座喜欢成为众人的焦点,当然,他们的占有欲非常强 。

处女座 8/23-9/22(The Virgin)
Virgo ['v?go]
Virgo are undemonstrative and introvert.
处女座是比较含蓄和内向的 。
Virgo are wise, witty and well spoken.
处女座的人聪明、敏慧,并且谈吐文雅 。
Virgo have good understanding and can effectively help people solve their problems.
处女座善解人意,也能有效地帮助他人解决问题 。

天秤座 9/23-10/23(The Scales)
Libra ['la?br?]
Libra are kind, gentle and lovers of beauty, harmony and peace.
天秤座善良、温柔、美丽,是和谐与和平的爱好者 。
Libra do effort to keep everyone happy, find it difficult to say 'NO'.
天秤座总是努力地让身边每个人都开心,很难说“不” 。

天蝎座 10/24-11/22(The Scorpion)
Scorpio ['sk?:pi?u]
Scorpio are strong willed and mysterious.
天蝎座意志坚强,并且看上去很神秘哟 。
Scorpio know how to grab the limelight.
天蝎天生知晓如何成为众人焦点 。

狮子座的英文 狮子座的英文缩写

Scorpio have a magnetic charm.
天蝎座具有神奇的吸引力,很难抵挡 。

射手座 11/23-12/21(The Archer)
Sagittarius [,s?d?i'tε?ri?s]
Sagittarius are optimistic and always look at the brighter side of things.
射手座充满乐观的正能量,看未来总是光明一片 。
Sagittarius are popular but sometimes they are players
射手座人缘好极了,但当心他们可能会花心哟 。

