今天,苹果跨过了一个里程碑 。我们的股价收报 207.39 美元,市值正式突破一万亿美元 。我们为这般成就感到无比骄傲,但这并不是衡量我们成功与否的最重要指标 。财务业绩的回报只是苹果不断努力创新的副产品,我们应该以产品和用户为先,并永远忠于苹果认定的价值观 。
It’s you, our team, that makes Apple great and our success is due to your hard work, dedication, and passion. I am deeply humbled by what you do, and it’s the privilege of a lifetime to work alongside you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the late hours and extra trips, all the times you refuse to settle for anything less than excellence in our work together.
苹果能获得如此伟大的成就,全归功于你们辛勤的工作、无尽的奉献和热切的激情 。我为你们所做的相比你们所付出的简直微不足道,但能与你们一起并肩是我的荣幸 。我发自内心感谢你们的辛勤付出,因为你们的加班、出差以及对进步的渴望,使我们的工作变得更完美 。
Let’s take this moment to thank our customers, our suppliers and business partners, the Apple developer community, our coworkers, and all those who came before us at this remarkable company.
借此机会,感谢我们的用户、供应商、商业伙伴,开发者社区、同事,以及所有为公司做出过贡献的人 。
Steve founded Apple on the belief that the power of human creativity can solve even the biggest challenges – and that the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do. In today’s world, our mission is more important than ever. Our products not only create moments of surprise and delight, they empower people all around the globe to enrich their lives and the lives of others.
史蒂夫秉承着人的创造力可以战胜任何挑战的理念创建了苹果,那些足够疯狂的人,疯狂到认为可以改变的世界的人也做到了改变世界 。如今,我们肩负着更重要的使命 。我们的产品不仅为人们带来了惊喜和欢愉,还丰富了全球各地人们的生活 。
Just as Steve always did in moments like this, we should all look forward to Apple’s bright future and the great work we’ll do together.
【乔布斯创立苹果的历程 苹果公司发展史】就像史蒂夫曾经做的,我们应该一起展望苹果的未来,全力以赴,携手前进 。
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