confirmation后面跟什么介词 confirm用法
1. 电话订货的确认函Confirmation of telephone order
Thanks for your call this morning. I confirm our order as follows:
10 Excelda Table Lamp, 50 cm high Price: ?45 each
5 Excelda Standard Lamp Price: ?105 each
Color: Gold
Terms: 40% trade discount
We need these lamps urgently, so I’m glad your can arrange for immediate delivery from stock.
Please confirm.
Many thanks
2. 订单的说明邮件Covering email with order form
Thank you for your quotation of 5 July. Our order number TW-237 for four of the items is attached.
I know you have all these items in stock, and I hope you can deliver them within the next few days. Please call me on 66666 if you need to discuss.
【confirmation后面跟什么介词 confirm用法】Many thanks
3. 对需要延期交货的订单的确认Acknowledgement of order pointing out delayed delivery
Thank you for your order dated 15 March for Imron Hair-driers. I’m sorry that we cannot supply them immediately due to a recent fire in our factory.
We are hoping to resume production within the next few days and we fully expect to be able to deliver these hair-driers by the end of next week, ie 14 October.
Please confirm that we can go ahead with this new delivery date.
Once again, many apologies for the inconvenience.
Best wishes
4. 供货商拒绝延长赊购时间Supplier refuses to extend credit
Dear Mr Richardson
We were pleased to receive your order BW435 for a further supply of Coffee Grinders and Bread Makers.
At present the balance of your account stands at ?1,800.54, and we are unable to grant credit for further supplies until this balance is reduced. I hope you can appreciate that we do have commitments of our own to meet, and we can only do this by asking our customers to keep their accounts within reasonable limits.
If you can send us your cheque for at least ?1,000, we will be happy to supply these new goods immediately.
Thank you for your understanding.
5. 供货商提出反向要约Supplier makes a counter-offer
Thank you for your email and order for 800 meters of 100 cm wide watered silk.
I am sorry to say that we can no longer supply this silk. Fashions constantly change, and in recent years the demand for watered silks has fallen to such an extent that we no longer produce them.
In their place we can offer our new Butterfly brand of rayon. This is a finely woven, hard-wearing material with a very attractive shine. We receive a lot of repeat orders from leading distributors and dress manufacturers, giving clear evidence of the widespread popularity of this brand. At the low price of only ?4.20 per meter, this rayon is much cheaper than silk and its appearance is just as attractive.
We also manufacture other fabrics and you can find full details on our website. All these fabrics are selling very well in many countries and can be supplied from stock. If you decide to place an order, we can arrange for shipment within one week.
Please drop me a note or call me on 22222 if you have any questions.
I hope to hear from you soon.
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