有关性教育的英语论文( 三 )

thanksgiving day, as celebrated in north america, is a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks for the many blessings enjoyed by these nations and their citizens. however, to many people, its meaning is lost. it has become simply another day for huge meals, dinner parties, get-togethers or reunions. what does thanksgiving mean to you?
turkey dinners, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and family gatherings—these are all commonly associated with most americans’ and canadians’ yearly celebration of giving thanks—thanksgiving day!
in the united states, thanksgiving is on the fourth thursday of november. in canada, it is the second monday in october. on this holiday, a thanksgiving meal is prepared with all the trimmings; families gather together and talk, while others watch a game or a parade filled with pilgrims, indians and other colonial figures. some families may even have their own yearly thanksgiving traditions.
what comes to mind when you think of thanksgiving? do you picture a time of thankfulness towards god—or is it merely one of eating, partying or watching football?
sadly, the latter is what thanksgiving has become to most. they have forgotten why the day was established. its meaning has slowly deteriorated, and is now almost completely lost under a cloud of media hype, sales pitches, marketing tactics and blitz commercialism.
while many are familiar with the traditional representation of the original thanksgiving, it is helpful to examine the purpose for which it was first celebrated. by doing this, the day’s meaning will be firmly established.

Education of love Du Hougan (1500 words)
"Love of education" is spread around the world a children's classic, Italian writer Amicis was written in 1886, the book's original name was "Hou re", translated as "heart." Its English translation is "Hea rt", translated meaning is "heart." Ye Junjian translator of children's literature in the "Love of education" on behalf of the preface, said: "Heart" is the word also can be used as "feelings," explained that in the foreign alike. Mr. Xia Zun said that originally wanted to "emotional education." The preface, he also said that in 1920, he received the Japanese translation of this book, after reading the side of tears. He wish to be translated into Chinese, not just the kids reading, so that parents and teachers keep telling him, like a number of moving stream tears, tears of shame. Ha in 1923, the book was finally translated into Chinese, and the first time a comprehensive monthly influential adults, "Journal of the East," published in serial form. After the open-minded bookstore as a "World Youth Literature Series," published in booklet. 54 period, the "Love of education" was Kuang alternate, Zhu Guang-qian, Feng, Chen Wang Road, Li Jinxi, Mao Dun, Xia Yan and other famous scholars, as the then "Rieter Gakuen" Students focus on reading, almost a manual. That time, many school teachers, but also this book as required reading for students in extracurricular books.
That was in 2001, in order to teach children to study, I am in the bookstore and bought a "love of education." Unexpectedly, reading reading, I was touched by the story of the book. This understand that more than 170,000 words of this book is not only the children read, and it is addressed to parents, ah! "Love of education", I read in one breath, although I did not cry, but my heart has been acknowledged that this is a cleansing the soul books. Attracted to me, does not seem how high its literary value, but rather ordinary and delicate brush strokes that reflected in near-perfect love of parents, teachers and students of the love between friends, Yi, Heung country love ... ...
"Love of education" the book of those ordinary people: small mason, selling charcoal people, his father's teacher, my teacher, blacksmith's son, blind, etc., lingered in front of me. "Love of education" in the most simple language, about a 100 with a child-related story: "chimney sweep children", "squad leader", "poor", "vanity," "Thanksgiving," "jealousy," "quarrel", "Farewell," and so on, extolling the innocence of children should have the feelings. The book also reveals the same time, from the family, schools, society as a whole, are to create a good environment, potential