杀破狼贪狼经典台词对白语录盘点 大牌云集剧情热血


电影《杀破狼贪狼》讲述了谈判专家因为寻找女儿下落追寻至泰国,不料途中却遇上黑帮贩卖器官的犯罪团伙,众人因而展开连场追逐,上演燃血激战的故事 。
1、Word of faith...... Just go on! God won't play with us. One day, think back and you'll know what's wrong...... Will happen only at the most appropriate time.
相信的话……就继续走下去吧!老天不会玩我们的,终有一天,回头想想你就会知道,错的事……只会在最对的时候发生 。
2、A lot of mistakes in life are always happening when they are right......
3、One day, think back and you will know that the wrong thing will happen only at the right time.
终有一天,回头想想你就会知道,错的事,只会在最对的时候发生 。
4、My road is so difficult, you are not sick, no pain, why not cherish?
我的路走的这么难,你们没病没痛为什么不珍惜 。
5、Wrong things happen only when they are most right.
错的事只会在最对的的时候发生 。
6、How many lives he I sed? Do you know? I took a man's life to se myself. What's the problem?

7、The wrong thing always happens at the right time.
错的事,总在最对的时候发生 。
8、If you believe it, go straight on. God won't play with us. The wrong thing always happens at the right time.
相信的话,就一直走下去吧 。老天不会玩我们的 。错的事总是发生在最对的时候 。
9、Wrong things will happen only when they are right.
What if I wait for you?

杀破狼贪狼经典台词对白语录盘点 大牌云集剧情热血


错的事情只会在对的时候遇上 。
10、The wrong thing always comes at the right time.
错的事,总会在对的时间出现 。
11、I'm not going to sacrifice someone's life to se my daughter.
我不会为了救我的女儿,而去牺牲别人的性命 。
12、Face reality and hope.
面对现实,心存希望 。
13、No one is immune to death except me.
除我之外,没有人不怕死 。
14、Even if I'm not a cop, I'm going to get my nephew back.
就算不做警察,我也要把我侄子找回来 。

15、Sometimes it's hard to believe that it really happened. But believe it, go on.
God will not play with us. One day, think back and you will know that the wrong thing will happen only at the right time.
有时候,难以相信事情真的就这样发生了 。但相信的话,就继续走下去吧 。
【杀破狼贪狼经典台词对白语录盘点 大牌云集剧情热血】老天不会玩儿我们的,终有一天,回头想想你就会知道,错的事,只会在最对的时候发生 。