
【天才?!出生三天会抓奶瓶】 一般来说,婴儿要到六个月大左右才能不依靠任何帮助自己握紧一个瓶子 。那出生三天会抓奶瓶的宝宝 !究竟是天才还是吃货?

Glugging milk from a bottle, Amara Chiedozie looks like any other contented three-week-old 。
当她咕咚咕咚的啜饮着奶瓶里的牛奶,阿玛拉·凯达西看起来和其他三周大的宝宝一样感到满足 。
Except, that is, for the fact she is already capable of holding the container on her own 。
除了一点不同之处——她已经能够自己握着奶瓶了 。
Even more incredibly, her mother claims she has been doing it since she was three days old. The strength of her grip at such a tender age has amazed her family and medics 。
更令人不敢相信的是,她妈妈说她从出生三天的时候就会自己抓奶瓶了 。才这么小,双手就有这么大的力气,这让她的家人和医护人员惊讶不已 。
