世界水日的知识 世界水日是几月几日英文

世界水日的知识 世界水日是几月几日英文

Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible
【世界水日的知识 世界水日是几月几日英文】One of the essential elements of Earth, water is the prime necessity of life. All living animals and plants cease to exist without it. Hence, the proverb says, "Water is life". However, with the increasing industrialisation, over-use, and exploitation of all-natural sources, human life is facing some questionable situations such as acute water shortage.
水,是地球重要的元素之一,是生命不可或缺的必需品 。没有水,所有动植物都无法存活 。因此,有一句谚语,“水是生命之源” 。然而,随着工业化程度日益加深,以及人们对自然资源的过度使用以及开发,人类正面临着一些值得深思的境况,比如严重的水资源短缺 。
As water is an essential building block of existence, each year, March 22 is celebrated as World Water Day to raise public awareness about the significance of fresh water and sustainable management of this significant resource. On this occasion, let's take a look at this year's theme, history, and significance of World Water Day.
水是生命的重要组成部分,每年3月22日被定为世界水日,旨在让公众意识到淡水以及可持续管理这一重要资源的重要性 。在此,让我们了解今年世界水日的主题、其发展历史、以及其重要性 。
'Groundwater: Making The Invisible Visible' is the theme of World Water Day 2022, proposed by the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC).
“珍惜地下水,珍视隐藏的资源”是2022年世界水日的主题,该主题由国际地下水资源评估中心提出 。
Officially, the idea of World Water Day was a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992. It was then that the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution stating that every year, March 22 will be marked as World Water Day starting 1993.
1992年,确立世界水日这项决议在联合国环境与发展大会上得到正式通过 。然后,联合国大会通过了该项决议,宣布每年3月22日为世界水日,从1993年开始实施 。
And since 1993, this day has continued as an annual event to increase community awareness about understanding the importance of water conservation.
1993年以来,世界水日作为一年一度的节日一直持续至今,旨在提高公众的意识,让人们意识到保护水资源的重要性 。
Approximately 99 percent of all liquid freshwater on Earth, groundwater provides societies with a huge number of benefits and opportunities. But experts say due to anthropogenic hazards, major water depletion and pollution are now affecting the life and livelihood of billions of people. So, in the context of growing scarcity, the rich groundwater which contributes to the regular use of water for domestic use by the global population can no longer be overlooked.
地下水约占地球上所有液态淡水的99%,其为人类社会带来了巨大财富和机遇 。但是,专家却表示,由于人为破坏,严重的水资源匮乏和水污染现象正在危害着数十亿人的生命和生活 。因此,面临日益严重的水资源匮乏现象,全球人民的日常生活用水都源于丰富的地下水资源,这一点不容忽视 。
Life would not be possible without groundwater. Most arid areas of the world depend entirely on groundwater. Groundwater supplies a large proportion of the water we use for drinking, sanitation, food production and industrial processes.
没有地下水,就没有生命 。世界上大多数干旱地区完全依赖地下水 。我们日常的饮用水、洗漱用水、粮食生产以及工业加工用水几乎都源自地下水 。
We must protect them from overexploitation - abstracting more water than is recharged by rain and snow - and the pollution that currently haunts them, since it can lead to the depletion of this resource, extra-costs of processing it, and sometimes even preventing its use.