【null的意思是废止,无效 null啥意思】今天我们要学的词是 null.
英 [n?l] 美 [n?l]
null 的意思是废止,无效 。
The British Supreme Court declared Prime Minister Boris Johnson's decision to ask Queen Elizabeth II to prorogue, or suspend, parliament “null and of no effect,” saying it prevented parliament from doing its constitutional duty. 英国最高法院宣布,首相鲍里斯·约翰逊要求伊丽莎白二世女王让议会休会或暂停的决定是“作废无效”的,表示这阻止了议会履行其宪法职责 。
The New York Supreme Court declared the new state rules on household cleaning products "null and void" because they violated existing laws and the state constitution. 纽约最高法院宣布,该州针对家庭清洁产品的新规则“无法律效力”,因为它们违反了现行法律和州法 。
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