英语职场面试口语 英语职场面试口语突击( 三 )

I ran marathon under three hours. I trained for it very hard and it strengthened me both physically and mentally.
When I hold Sales Manager job at ABC Inc., the sales grew by twenty percent every year.
I became a better person over the years. I learned to listen to the others and see the good in people. I consider this as the biggest achievement of my life.
>>Question 11: What characterize a good boss/ colleague from your point of view?
问题11:你觉得 , 一个好老板、好同事应该是什么样的?
这个问题主要是看看你的情商够不够高 , 能不能在公司里跟大家和睦相处 。回答得太具体 , 明确表明自己对同事的喜好 , 并不是一个可取的办法 。最好回答得笼统一些 , 表明自己性格随和 , 跟谁都能相处愉快 。
I can get along with everyone. All I want to be sure about when it comes to my boss and colleagues is that they are qualified for the job we do. When I see the level of proficiency in this interview, I am sure they are.
There is nothing like an ideal boss for me. I simply focus on my job and duties and try to avoid any conflicts with other employees. We are all different and I respect the individuality of each human being.

英语职场面试口语 英语职场面试口语突击

>>Question 12: What are your salary expectations?
如果不是面试官首先提出 , 你不要自己提薪资方面的问题 。回答的时候 , 首先要表明薪资并不是你应聘这个职位的首要因素 , 如果一定要回答一个具体的数字 , 那么一定不要低于你心理的那个预期薪资水平 。所以 , 面试之前还是要做功课 , 了解该职位的薪资水平 。
First of all, salary is not a deciding factor for me. I really like the job deion and want to get this job. Therefor, I will accept an average salary for this position what is something between $35,000 and $40,000, according to my knowledge and statistics from salaries.com.
>>Question 13: When can you start the job?
公司当然希望你越快到岗越好 , 如果你目前还没有离职 , 需要一段时间做工作交接 , 那也要说明白 , 并且表示你愿意尽早到岗的意愿 。
I am ready to start as soon as possible.
I could possibly start tomorrow, but I want to finish the project I currently work on. It would be very unprofessional and irresponsible if I left now. I need two or three weeks to finish the work and train colleagues to continue it. Then I can start here.
>>Question 14: Do you have any questions?
面试过程中一般都会有提问的机会 , 究竟该问些什么?首先 , 岗位职责描述中已经说得很清楚的事情就不要问了 , 其次 , 面试过程中已经讨论过的也不要问 。你可以问一些真正跟这个职位或公司发展相关的问题 。
What are the next steps of interviewing process?
Can you tell me something more about the working environment?
What are the goals of your company (sales department) in one, five and ten years time?
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