What do people usually plant in the gardens?
4. bike and swim
Do you ride a bike?
What are the advantages of riding a bike?
Do you swim?
Where do you usually swim?
How did you learn swim?
5. music and films
What music do you like best? Why?
Where do you usually listen to music?
What type of film do you like best?
Do you prefer watching films at cinemas or at home?
When/where do you watch films?
6. shopping
Do you like shopping?
When/where do you usually go shopping?
7. birthday
How do you often celebrateyour birthday?
8. sport and relax
What sport do you like best?
How often do you do it?
What can sport bring to people’s life?
9. computer and internet
What do you usually use computers do?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?
10. hometown and weather
Say something about you hometown.
Is there any interesting place in your hometown?
What’s special about your hometown?
Does it usually rain in your hometown?
11. handwriting
Do you prefer writing by hand or the computer?
Part 2
1. a family member
2. an old man还有小孩这种常规话题都要准备
3. a person who you helped before
4. a person who is good at cooking
5. a library
6. a house belonging to somebody else
7. a part of your hometown
8. a city 套接 a tourism attraction/a place with a lot of water
9. a toy
10. a book
11. clothes in special situation
12. a thing you’d like to buy in the future
13. a sport event
14. an importance advice 按照我上课说的,套接important decision/人生的重要阶段stage/成功的经历/人生中的重要改变
15. newspaper/magazine
16. a piece of interesting news getting from the TV
17. TV program
18. an advertisement
19. a law
20. an organization
21. favorite season
22. a long journey
23. a call/a speech
24. an educational
我也是3.5的,除了口语其他几个方面的预测基本没用,我考过的,把时间放在剑桥和口语上,足够,希望你可以采纳哦 。
【雅思董事长 雅思刘薇创业】雅思刘薇创业的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于雅思董事长、雅思刘薇创业的信息别忘了在本站进行查找喔 。
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