![2017世界举重锦标赛什么时间在哪里举行 世界举重锦标赛2020在哪里](http://img.henanlong.com/220922/2234406056-0.jpg)
想必现在有很多小伙伴对于2017世界举重锦标赛什么时间在哪里举行方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于2017世界举重锦标赛什么时间在哪里举行方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦 。
2017年世界举重锦标赛将在马来西亚的槟城举行,具体举办时间还没有确定,要等槟城组委会上报并得到国际举重联合会的正式批准后对外界公布 。
以下是国际举重联合会官网在2014年11月8日发出的关于2017世界举重锦标赛举办事宜的官方新闻英文原文 。
2017 IWF World Championships will be held in Penang
The IWF is delighted to announce that the 2017 IWF World Championships will be held in Penang, Malaysia. Penang was chosen ahead of strong bids from three other nations: Belarus, Turkey and Uzbekistan.
The IWF Executive Board during its meeting in Almaty selected Penang, Malaysia, staging the 2011 IWF Junior World Championships.
就过定行经着事么象革收声华马空商王 。
Asia had to wait more than 50 years to host its first World Championships in Tehran, Iran in 1957. It is an indicator of the ever-growing status of the continent in the sport that Penang will be the fifth Asian city this century to host the World Championships.
The 2014 World Championships started today (November 8-16) in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where the 2017 hosting decision was announced to the IWF Congress. The 2015 World Championships will be in Houston, Texas, and there are no championships in 2016, an Olympic year.
【2017世界举重锦标赛什么时间在哪里举行 世界举重锦标赛2020在哪里】本文到此结束,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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