第三点:担保人 。要求在武汉市有固定房产,稳定住所,月薪2000以上的最基本条件 。试想:如果那个人和你非亲非故,人家为什么要帮你担保,你能给人家多少好处???人家可是在拿他的房产做抵押,拿未来两三年的收入做抵押啊,仔细想想,人家凭什么要替你做担保?????你敢保证你投资的项目100%的赚钱吗?????
第四点:办理手续 。其实这相对来说还是最简单的一点 。尽管手续异常复杂,持续的时间可能是两三个月,但是只要能贷到款,跑断了腿也还是值得的啊!!!
我今年才22岁,可是父母已经是五十多的人了,而且常年有病,只能在家务农,为了我的学业已经奔波劳累了一辈子 。其实像我老爸老妈觉得身体状况在家也是务不了农的,但是没有办法,为了我的学业,还是在田地里操劳,真是于心不忍 。最近我爸又检查出得了癌症,由于一直没钱治疗,拖到现在已经是恶性晚期,医生说剩下的时间也不多了 。同时,留给我的时间也不多了 。
可是我没钱,家里人都不知道我边工作的同时也在创业,知道的话也没有什么办法,帮不了我什么忙,只会是更加的担心,所以我选择了保留 。
我一直都有自己的创业理想,有一颗创业的心,为了改变,为了改变自己的命运,所以决定创业,立志要拥有自己的一番事业 。而且我在这方面有很多经验,大学四年里,我做过了十几种不同种类的兼职,在学校里更多的是在社会上 。我带过上百号人的团队,也创造过上万的利润,大学四年里很少张嘴向家里人要过生活费,基本上靠自己做兼职和打工所赚的钱来维持,四年下来也比一般的大学生要成熟很多,至少经历要多很多 。所以我在这方面相比一般的大学生来说还是很占优势的 。
经过一段时间的调查、筹备,我已经有了合适的项目,具体的方案,合理的渠道,只是资金还不够充裕,望志同道合的朋友一起来共同发展!!!愿我们能合作愉快 。
大学生创业利弊 求英语翻译 我有中文的1 students are often full of hope for the future, and "fearless" spirit
2 college students learned a lot of theoretical things in school, there is a higher level of technical advantages
3 modern college students the spirit of innovation
The biggest advantage of 4 is that students can start to improve their ability, increase social experience.
As the students lack of social experience, often blindly optimistic, there is no adequate psychological preparation.
The lack of be anxious for success, lack of market awareness and business management experience
Students of entrepreneurship is also understood to remain in only a wonderful idea and concept.
Students are more weak market concept
大学生中途创业的利弊英语作文80词Should graduate students start their own business or look for jobs? In my opinion, becoming a member of the workforce is far less desirable than owning a business. Undeniably, enterpreneurship involves risks and entails hard work and determination. However, it generates greater satisfaction and a sense of acheivement. No glory without risk-taking is conceivable. Only when one is willing to take risks can one accomplish great things. Even if the business does not work out at the end, one can learn a great lesson from their mistakes. As such, the experience of setting up an enterprise is far superior to the secured but insipid life of a white collar employee.
英语作文:关于自主创业的看法 带翻译Shall We Start Their Own Business?
With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses. Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large.
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