林俊杰新歌|林俊杰新歌《At Least I Had You》歌词是什么 《At Least I Had You》完整版歌词在线听歌
林俊杰新歌《At Least I Had You》上线了,据悉这首歌只耗费了五个小时就创作完成了哦,并且还是一如既往的那么好听。那么歌词是什么呢?下面小编带来:《At Least I Had You》完整版歌词在线听歌。
林俊杰新歌《At Least I Had You》歌词是什么
At Least I Had You--林俊杰
Better to be lonely
Cooler to be empty
Why the hell is this even going on
They don't even know you
Saying what you should do
Where the hell are they even coming from
We're wishing upon the stars for meaning
Then listing every reason
For being here
【林俊杰新歌|林俊杰新歌《At Least I Had You》歌词是什么 《At Least I Had You》完整版歌词在线听歌】We can't lose any hope
Overthinking each day
And losing sleep on the way
When I'm old and I'm gray
Will this be how it all stays
Don't know what I can do
You might just feel the same too
But if it all came crashing down tonight
At least I had you in my life
You're the most unlikely
To be the one beside me
How the hell are you even holding on
Let this be for you a toast
Celebrating you the most
Who the hell am I even when you're gone
We're wishing upon the stars for meaning
Then listing every reason
For being here
We can't lose any hope
Overthinking each day
And losing sleep on the way
When I'm old and I'm gray
Will this be how it all stays
Don't know what I can do
You might just feel the same too
But if it all came crashing down tonight
At least I had you in my life
And time is ticking away we
Don't have all day
So hold my hand and let's run no
Other way
Cos I know we'll be just fine and
I won't deny
Now you're by my side
I'm scared to close my eyes
Overthinking each day
And losing sleep on the way
When I'm old and I'm gray
Will this be how it all stays
Don't know what I can do
You might just feel the same too
But if it all came crashing down tonight
At least I had you in my life
In my life
At least I had you
《At Least I Had You》歌曲介绍
通往未知,往往无措,经历徬徨,体验孤单,感受绝望,就算前路充满荆棘,紧握著双手,庆幸我们曾经相识, 拥有彼此 —— 新加坡顶尖创作才子联手出击 —— Gentle Bones x 林俊杰展开世纪合作!
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