王嘉尔|王嘉尔《Pretty Please 》歌词是什么 《Pretty Please 》完整版歌词在线听歌

王嘉尔携手Galantis新歌《Pretty Please 》上线啦,神秘节奏搭配律动旋律,王嘉尔烟嗓极具辨识度,还有歌曲MV同步上线,上演一出别致浪漫的港式电影。那么王嘉尔《Pretty Please 》歌词是什么?下面小编带来:《Pretty Please 》完整版歌词在线听歌。

王嘉尔|王嘉尔《Pretty Please 》歌词是什么 《Pretty Please 》完整版歌词在线听歌

王嘉尔《Pretty Please 》歌词是什么
王嘉尔/ Galantis---Pretty Please
Don’t hate me give love a chance
Don’t need your heart just need your hands
Knew from the start that this won’t end
Don’t you tease me baby please
Pretty please
Pretty please
Pretty please
Pretty please
Pretty please
Pretty please
Pretty please
Pretty please
I'm gon’ touch if you let me
Give me love if you have it
No more talk let me have it
Swear now I’m ready

王嘉尔|王嘉尔《Pretty Please 》歌词是什么 《Pretty Please 》完整版歌词在线听歌

Had enough I admit
Lookin so camera ready
Got me feelin' some type of way
Cause your body is so wavy
This feels too good to let it go
But I can't let you lock the door
Don’t hate me give love a chance
Don’t need your heart just need your hands
Knew from the start that this won’t end
Don’t you tease me baby please
Don't you tease me baby please
Don't you tease me baby please
Don’t hate me give love a chance
Don’t need your heart just need your hands
Knew from the start that this won’t end
Don’t you tease me baby please
王嘉尔《Pretty Please 》歌曲介绍
王嘉尔继《100 Ways》在全球取得瞩目成功后,才华横溢的音乐唱作人王嘉尔联袂白金唱片流行舞曲超级组合Galantis跨界合作,打造了全新英文单曲《Pretty Please》。王嘉尔极具辨识度的烟嗓与Galantis神秘又强劲的节奏感完美融合在一起——碰撞造就出了一首卓越独特又抓耳的舞曲,旋律洗脑且萦绕耳间。

王嘉尔|王嘉尔《Pretty Please 》歌词是什么 《Pretty Please 》完整版歌词在线听歌

王嘉尔《Pretty Please》MV中诸多港风元素以及舞蹈编排均源自于他本人对港片的极度喜爱。从故事脚本到分镜、拍摄手法到剪辑,王嘉尔以个人记忆出发并汲取灵感,打造出了这支复古又浪漫的爱情港风故事。此外,王嘉尔还联手舞团Kinjaz,编排了一支风格独特又有创意的“狼人舞”,浪漫的狼人手势舞搞怪又不失美感。
无愧于王嘉尔和格莱美最佳制作人Galantis的合作,新歌pretty please足以让人眼前一亮!
从潮流制作人化身音乐人,期待王嘉尔与格莱美最佳制作人Galantis带来的最新单曲Pretty Please
中间一段 一定要看MV!跳舞太帅了!
【王嘉尔|王嘉尔《Pretty Please 》歌词是什么 《Pretty Please 》完整版歌词在线听歌】以上就是全部内容,更多精彩请继续关注小编。