
98k威力眨眼原唱是FitzThe Tantrums,歌名叫《HandClap》,《HandClap》是一首欧美的歌曲,很受网友们的喜欢,而且在抖音短视频中经常会听到一首绝地求生游戏中98k 枪声版的歌曲 。
这个视频也是相当的火爆在抖音上,视频的内容大致是主角眨眨眼睛就会发出绝地求生中98K的狙击声,就好像双眼会狙击人一样,相当的过瘾,并且这个视频的BGM也是相当的好听 。

不少的朋友们可能还不知道98K到底是什么东西吧,小编给大家科普一下吧,98k是目前巨火的绝地求生中的一把知名狙击枪,这把枪的声音非常的好听,虽然比不上稀有的消音M24,但是98K的高产度要远远高过M24 。
【抖音98K威力眨眼BGM是什么歌 你了解过了吗】所以这把枪就要比M24出名的多了 。
98K的全名叫做Kar98k毛瑟步枪,是绝地求生游戏中比较普遍的一把狙击枪了,虽然在吃鸡中还有威力更大的枪,比如AWM和M24,但是这两把枪只出产于空投,稀有程度非常的高,所以产量更多的98K就更受欢迎了 。

Turn it up
Somebody sa ve your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know
Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control
You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold
I want the good life
Every good night you're a hot one to hold
Cause you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap
Somebody sa ve your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know
Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin' control
You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold
I want your sex and your affection when I'm holding you close
Cause you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap
Every night when the stars come out
Am I the only living soul around
Need to believe you could hold me down
Cause I'm in need of something good right now
We could be screaming till the sun comes out
And when we wake we be the only sound
Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows
Bet I can make your hands clap
Bet I can make your hands clap
Turn it up
Bet I can make your hands clap
My fresh is searching for your worst and rest don't ever deny
I'm like a stranger give me danger
All your wrongs and your rights
Secrets on broadway to the freeway you're a keeper of crimes
Feel no conviction grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine
But you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap
Every night when the stars come out
Am I the only living soul around
Need to believe you could hold me down
Cause I'm in need of something good right now
We could be screaming till the sun comes out
And when we wake we be the only sound
Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows
Bet I can make your hands clap
So can I get a hand clap
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