双子座2017年运势 双子座2017年运势详解( 二 )

Stay away from: Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer
Most compatible signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries
6. Virgo
Dear Virgo, 2017 is going to be a trial of resilience for you. In terms of being single, Virgo the virgin has yet another year of hot and cold. For 2017, develop those bonds that make you feel unstoppable. For those in a relationship, you see some light. By letting go of fears in 2017, you develop a strong trust with your current partner.
亲爱的处女们,2017年会考验你的韧劲哦!对于单身的人来说,处女座又要面对冰火两重天的一年 。2017年,如果有一些关系让你欲罢不能,那么就去好好发展吧 。对于已经恋爱的人来说,你们会看到一些光明 。2017年,通过释放心中的恐惧,你会与你目前的伴侣建立强有力的信任关系 。
Stay away from: Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo
Most compatible signs: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn
【双子座2017年运势 双子座2017年运势详解】最和谐星座:金牛座、巨蟹座、摩羯座
7. Libra
2017 has been predicted to be a time of Renaissance for Libras. Being that single Libra is a new Libra, you are going to be seeking a new bae in your life too. But it is not as easy as it sounds. Your crushmight not like the improved version of you. Yet, the struggle will be worth it in the end. Those involved in a relationship should be prepared for the same issues. You will find yourself losing patience with them should they disagree with you too often.
根据预测,2017年对于天秤座来说是复兴的一年 。因为单身的天秤会成为一个全新的人,所以你也会在人生中找到一个新的爱人 。但这并不像听起来那么容易,你感兴趣的人可能会不喜欢升级版的你 。但是,一切纠结最终都是值得的 。那些已经恋爱的人也应该准备好面对同样的问题 。你会发现,如果他们太频繁地与你产生分歧,你就会对他们失去耐心 。
Stay away from: Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn
Most compatible signs: Leo, Gemini, Aquarius
8. Scorpio
The passion and tenacity of Scorpio see a change in 2017. You will not click with anyone fast this year, Scorpio. And that is totally cool. Save your energy for what really matters – you. Feel free to have fun with your admirers, though. A Scorpio in a relationship during 2017 will feel the need to do somethingdaring. Take your significant other on a trip abroad, do something outrageous, and test how much you trust one another.
2017年,你会发现自己的热情和坚持有所转变 。天蝎们,你们今年不会很快跟谁来电 。这样其实非常好,为真正重要的人也就是你自己而养精蓄锐吧 。但也要放松下来,与你的仰慕者们好好相处 。已经恋爱的天蝎2017年会感觉需要做些大胆的事:带爱人踏上异域之旅,做些出格的事,以及检验一下你们对彼此有多信任 。
Stay away from: Aquarius, Leo, Libra
Most compatible signs: Pisces, Cancer, Virgo
9. Sagittarius
The Archers are in absolute luck in 2017. Single Sagittarius, you will probably have the most fun in 2017 out of every other sign. You have got a fire that is going to scorch whoever gets close – and they will want more. If you are in a relationship, you might sense feels of jealousy or inadequacy coming from your love.

双子座2017年运势 双子座2017年运势详解

2017年射手座们会非常幸运 。单身射手们很可能会在2017年在其他所有星座身上找到极大的乐趣 。你身上有一团火,能点燃任何一位走近的人——而且他们会想要更多 。如果你已经恋爱了,你的爱人可能会感觉到一些嫉妒或者不满足 。