Stay away from: Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo
Most compatible signs: Leo, Libra, Aries
10. Capricorn
If you are single, Capricorn, prepare for a surprise. If you are already in a relationship, yourindustriousness might dismay your companion, but if they can't support you during your triumphs, then you do not need them. Stick with those who lift you higher.
如果你是单身摩羯,准备好面对惊喜吧 。如果你已经恋爱了,你的勤奋可能会让伴侣失望,但如果他们不能在你的战斗过程中支持你,那么你就不需要他们 。与那些能把你举高的人在一起吧 。
Stay away from: Aries, Sagittarius, and Libras
Compatible signs: Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus
11. Aquarius
2017 will be the year of plenty for Aquarius. For all the single Aquarius out there, it is time to let the sparks fly with someone new. Go for someone who you have never encountered before. You will be surprised with the results. If your sweetie is all for a road trip, go together.
2017年最水瓶座来说是丰富的一年 。对所有的单身水瓶们来说,是时候与新人擦出爱情的火花了,去找个你以前不认识的人吧,结果会让你惊喜的 。如果你的爱人想要一场公路之旅,那么就一起去吧 。
Stay away from: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio
Compatible signs: Libra, Sagittarius, and Gemini

12. Pisces
Single fish will find their red fish or bae fish this year. Stay open-minded. The tide of love is strong. And for those already with the perfect partner, great. This is your year to thoroughly deepen the bond between the two of you. In fact, do not be surprised if a new relationship suddenly seems to be moving faster and you two take on a new level of seriousness.
单身双鱼座今年会找到他们的红鱼或者爱鱼 。要有开放的心态,爱之潮水非常猛烈 。对于那些已经找到完美的伴侣来说,今年也非常棒 。你们今年要彻底加固两人之间的纽带 。事实上,如果一份新的恋情突然加速进展,而你们两个人都更加认真对待彼此,不要感到惊讶!
Stay away from: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini
Most compatible signs: Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer
Are you single or in a relationship? Remember, the stars can lie too, so listen to your heart when looking for your soulmate in the new year.
现在你是单身还是恋爱中呢?要牢记一点,星星也会撒谎哦!所以,在新年里,寻找灵魂伴侣时还是要倾听自己内心的声音 。
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