搞笑逗人开心的自动回复 有趣的自动回复文案
一,[自动回复] 消息已发出,但被对方拒收了
[auto reply] message has been sent, but it was rejected by the other party
二,[自动回复] 对不起,对方正在尝试拒收您的消息,请发送一个红包解锁功能
[auto reply] sorry, the other party is trying to reject your message, please send a red envelope to unlock it
三,[自动回复] 对不起,对方的信息已封禁,如果想要她回复你,请输入三遍“我是猪”来解封
[Auto reply] Sorry, the other party's information has been blocked. If you want her to reply to you, please enter "I am a pig" three times to unblock it

四,[自动回复] 余生这么长,等我一下又何妨~
[auto reply] the rest of my life is so long, why not wait for me ~
五,[自动回复] 不要着急,小可爱正在赶来的路上,请准备好零食饮料耐心等待哦~
[auto reply] don't worry, little cute is on his way, please prepare snack drinks and wait patiently ~
六,[自动回复] 因为太胖,跑起来阻力大,很快就来了,稍等~
[Auto reply] Because it is too fat, it has great resistance to running. It will come soon, wait a moment ~
七,[自动回复] 此人正在闭关中,渡完劫再做回复!
[Auto reply] This person is in retreat. Please reply after the robbery!
八,[自动回复] 不是我不理你,而是我难以抗拒~
[auto reply] it's not that I ignore you, but that time is irresistible ~
九,[自动回复] 聊天诚可贵,网费价更高 。若为睡觉故,二者皆可抛!
[Auto-reply] Chat is valuable, and the internet fee is higher. If you are sleeping, you can throw both!
十,[自动回复] 你好,欢迎使用沙雕服务热线,手动聊天请按1,语音聊天请按2,视频聊天请按3
[auto reply] hello, welcome to the sand sculpture service hotline. please press 1 for manual chat, 2 for voice chat and 3 for video chat
十一,[自动回复] 什么风把您吹来了,是timi赢了么
[auto reply] what brings you here? did timi win
十二,[自动回复] 你好,我是自动回复,我可以陪你聊天,但是我只会这一句
[auto reply] hello, I am an automatic reply, I can chat with you, but I only know this sentence
十三,[自动回复] 你好,我们老大去宇宙摘星星了,若有事我可以帮你转告她,不过你得先请我吃薯片,我要番茄味的 。
[Auto reply] Hello, our boss has gone to the universe to pick stars. If something happens, I can tell her for you, but you have to treat me to potato chips first. I want tomato-flavored ones.
十四,[自动回复] 你刚才说什么,我没看清楚,请再发一遍
[auto reply] I didn't see what you said just now. Please send it again
十五,[自动回复] 如果是中午,我吃饭去了;如果是工作时间,我被老板叫去训话了;如果你就是老板,当我没说……
[Auto reply] If it was noon, I went to eat; If it was working time, I was called to lecture by my boss; If you are the boss, forget I said ……
十六,[自动回复] 先说什么事,我再决定在不在!
[auto-reply] I don't even believe in punctuation.
十七,[自动回复] 你的话,我连标点符号都不信
十八,[自动回复] 就连我这人工智能都不把你放在眼里
[Auto reply] Even my artificial intelligence doesn't put you in the eye
十九,[自动回复] 我给你买几个橘子去,你就在此地,不要走动
[auto-reply] I'll buy you some oranges. Just stay here and don't move around
二十,[自动回复] 目前操作用户过多,请您稍后再试!
[Auto-reply] There are too many operating users at present. Please try again later!
二十一,[自动回复] 对不起,对方5G在线,它没有收到您的信息,请自动升级
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