职场英语怎么说 职场英语怎么说呢

关于职场和职场英语 , 我们都有这样的疑问:职场中怎么样才能获得更多的机会(当然是升职加薪.....) 。今天教你一个词组“hide your light under a bushel”“把灯藏在斗底下”?来看今天实用的职场用词吧 。
Hide 是指“隐藏” ;Bushel 翻译为蒲式耳 。
Bushel 英文中表示一个计量单位 , 类似我国旧时的斗、升等容器 。
Hide one's light under a bushel源自《圣经.马太福音》第5章第15节:
"No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and gives light to all in the house."
人点亮灯 , 不放在斗底下 , 而是放在灯台上 , 可以照亮一家的人 。
它的字面意思是“将灯藏在斗底下” , 后被引申为“不显露才能 , 不露锋芒”的意思 。
John, don't hide your light under a bushel. Let the world see what you can do.
约翰 , 不要过于谦虚 。让大家知道你的才能吧 。
John, don't hide your light under a bushel. Let the world see what you can do.
约翰 , 不要过于谦虚 。让大家知道你的才能吧 。
A: I really feel that it's about time that I have a pay raise.
——我真认为我现在该涨工资了 。
【职场英语怎么说 职场英语怎么说呢】B: Give me reason.
A: I've been here for two years.
——我在这里已经工作两年了 。
B: But I can't see any good performance.
——但是我没看到你好的表现 。
A: I can do things well, but I have no opportunity.
——我可以做的很好 , 只是没有机会 。
B: Don't hide your light under a bushel.
——会有机会的 , 到时候别深藏不露 。
A: I really feel that it's about time that I have a pay raise.

职场英语怎么说 职场英语怎么说呢

——我真认为我现在该涨工资了 。
B: Give me reason.
A: I've been here for two years.
——我在这里已经工作两年了 。
B: But I can't see any good performance.
——但是我没看到你好的表现 。
A: I can do things well, but I have no opportunity.
——我可以做的很好 , 只是没有机会 。
B: Don't hide your light under a bushel.
——会有机会的 , 到时候别深藏不露 。
英语中很多表达“谦虚”的方式 , 以下介绍7种常见表达:
I'm just very lucky.
我只是运气好罢了 。
I'm just very lucky.
我只是运气好罢了 。
I am all ears.
I am all ears.
Thanks to your cooperation, everything is going well.
职场英语怎么说 职场英语怎么说呢

多亏您的合作 , 一切进展得很顺利 。
Thanks to your cooperation, everything is going well.
多亏您的合作 , 一切进展得很顺利 。
Thanks for your compliment.
谢谢您的夸奖 。
Thanks for your compliment.
谢谢您的夸奖 。
Not really.
不敢当 。
Not really.
不敢当 。
Thank you, but it really isn't anything special.
谢谢 , 不过这实在是不值一提 。
Thank you, but it really isn't anything special.
谢谢 , 不过这实在是不值一提 。
It was nothing.
其实没什么 。
It was nothing.
其实没什么 。
英语够狠 , 事业才稳!机会面前可不要Hide your light under a bushel 。