This “humanizing” seems *presumptuous though; how is a human to know what a wild animal is thinking and feeling?虽然 , 这样的“拟人化”看起来有些自以为是;人类如何能知道野生动物们的想法和呢?
Perhaps this is just me being picky. After all, Born in China is one of the better films to hit Chinese screens this year and the outcome exceeds expectations considering its *excruciating production process. According to Lu, shooting took three years – the first month on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau went by without capturing anything usable due to the unpredictable habits of snow leopards.但或许是我太过挑剔了 。毕竟 , 《我们诞生在中国》是今年中国大银幕的最佳影片之一 。而考虑到它极其艰辛的制作过程 , 这部影片的收效也远超预期 。据陆川介绍 , 这部影片费时三年拍摄——由于雪豹的习性难以预测 , 在青藏高原的头 , 制作团队连一点可用的素材都没有拍到 。
Personal criticisms aside, if you simply want to see beautifully shot scenery alongside *stunning close-ups of majestic Chinese wildlife, Born in China is definitely worth your time.不论个人评价如何 , 如果你只是想看到自然美景和令人惊叹的中国野生动物特写 , 《我们诞生在中国》绝对值得一看 。
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