对真爱的理解英语作文 关于爱的英语作文

Treating Life As The First True Love

对真爱的理解英语作文 关于爱的英语作文

【对真爱的理解英语作文 关于爱的英语作文】When yout get old, would you feel regret when you look back at your life?
Maybe you will say that your life is worth it.
也许你会说,此生无憾 。
Or you have never thought about this kind of things?
或许你会说,从来没想过这些事 。
If you ask somebody what the meaning of life is, a thousand different people will give you a thousand different answers.
如果你向别人问到,生命的意义究竟是什么 。每个人给你的答案都是不一样的 。
But for me, the answer is happiness.
于我来说,快乐就是这问题最好的答案 。
Doing what I like in places that I enjoy.
在自己喜欢的地方,做着自己喜欢的事 。
Controlling my own pace like this may not have given me a wealthy life. But it has been giving me satisfaction day by day.
生活的节奏由自己控制 。虽然这也许不能给自己带来优渥的生活,但是我想它会带给我无尽的满足 。
And at the same time, I have become a person that people enjoy.
在这个过程中,我俨然成为了一个享受生活的人 。
And a person who people enjoy is a person who treats life as he treats his first true love.
对于一个懂得享受生活的人来说,对待生活就像对待自己的初恋 。