英文演讲稿优秀短篇 英语演讲稿范文

My Dream (我的梦)标题

英文演讲稿优秀短篇 英语演讲稿范文

I am Seven. But I am 8 years old.
我是Seven 。但我今年8岁 。
This story is about my dream. I wake up on the moon. The sky is clean to see so many stars.
这个故事是我的一个梦 。梦里我从月球上醒来 。万里无云,天上漫天星星 。
The air is fresh. But there is no tree. Here are holes on the ground.
空气清新,却不见一棵树 。而地上满是坑洞 。
英文演讲稿优秀短篇 英语演讲稿范文

At this time, I see a beautiful woman, oh, is that Miss Chang e.
‘ Hello, Miss Chang e, where is your rabbit? ‘ Then, the rabbit jumps out. My god, it can make stones gone. So I come up with an idea.
“嗨,嫦娥小姐,请问你的兔子在哪里啊?“ 于是,兔子跳了出来 。我的天哪,它可以把石头变走,于是我想到一个主意 。
英文演讲稿优秀短篇 英语演讲稿范文

’ Miss Rabbit, could you please help me, make my homework gone? I am so tired of them ‘,
兔小姐,可以请你让我那些作业消失吗?我都烦死了 。“
Miss Rabbit looks at my school bag and say ‘Oh, that’s too much. But I can try. ‘
兔小姐看了我的书包说:“ 这么多啊,不过我倒是可以试一下 。”
【英文演讲稿优秀短篇 英语演讲稿范文】‘Homework! Homework! Go! Go! Go!’ Suddenly, they are gone.
‘Homework! Homework! Go! Go! Go!’ 突然,作业都不见了 。
‘Hooray! I am free ! Thank you, Miss Rabbit! I love you!’
“Seven,what are you doing?“, that beautiful womancomes to me. No, she looks just like my mom. She is notChang e. Then, I wake up. The homework is still there.
“Seven,你在干什么?”那个美丽的女子走向我,不,她不是嫦娥,她跟我妈妈简直一模一样 。然后我就醒了,可作业还在 。
What a nice dream!! 这可真是个好梦!!
演讲?建议?:1. 先?理解?故事?;2. 查询?单词?发音?;3. 开始?熟读?背诵;4.加入?道具?和?表演?
稿子适应人群:具备一定英语基础,口语和词汇量都一直在读和练习,零基础不推荐 。