幼儿英语故事 最经典最好听的英语故事大全( 三 )

.但她刚一碰到它,立即就倒在地上失去了知觉,以前的咒语真的应验了 。
And this sleep spread throughout the entire castle. The king and queen, who had just returned home, walked into the hall and began falling asleep, and all of their attendants as well. The horses fell asleep in their stalls, the dogs in the courtyard, the pigeons on the roof, the flies on the walls, and even the fire on the hearth flickered, stopped moving, and fell asleep. The roast stopped sizzling. The cook, who was about to pull kitchen boy's hair for having done something wrong, let him loose and fell asleep. The wind stopped blowing, and outside the castle not a leaf was stirring in the trees.
然而,她并没有死,只是倒在那里沉沉地睡去了 。国王和王后正在这时回来了,他们刚走进大厅也跟着睡着了;马厩里的马,院子里的狗,屋顶上的鸽子,墙上的苍蝇,也都跟着睡着了;甚至连火炉里的火也停止燃烧入睡了;烧烤的肉不炸响了;厨师此刻正抓住一个做错了事的童工的头发,要给他一耳光,让他滚出去,他们两个也定在那儿睡过去了 。
所有的一切都不动了,全都沉沉地睡去 。
Round about the castle a thorn hedge began to grow, and every year it became higher, until it finally surrounded and covered the entire castle. Finally nothing at all could be seen of it, not even the flag on the roof.
不久,王宫的四周长出了一道蒺藜组成的大篱笆,年复一年,它们越长越高,越长越茂密,最后竟将整座宫殿遮得严严实实,甚至连屋顶和烟囱也看不见了 。
A legend circulated throughout the land about the beautiful sleeping Little pier-Rose, for so the princess was called. Legends also told that from time to time princes came, wanting to force their way through the hedge into the castle. However, they did not succeed, for the thorns held firmly together, as though they had hands, and the young men became stuck in them, could not free themselves, and died miserably.
於是,关於这个王国流传开了这样一个传说,一个漂亮的正在睡觉的玫瑰公主的传说,人们所说的玫瑰公主其实就是国王的女儿 。从那以后,有不少王子来探险,他们披荆斩棘想穿过树篱到王宫里去,但都没有成功,不是被蒺藜缠住就是被树丛跘倒在里面,就像是有无数只手牢牢地抓住他们难以脱身一样,他们最终都痛苦地死去 。
Many long, long years later, once again a prince came to the country. He heard an old man telling about the thorn hedge. It was said that there was a castle behind it, in which a beautiful princess named Little pier-Rose had been asleep for a hundred years, and with her the king and the queen and all the royal attendants were sleeping. He also knew from his grandfather that many princes had come and tried to penetrate the thorn hedge, but they had become stuck in it and died a sorrowful death
.许多许多年过去了,一天,又有一位王子踏上了这块土地 。
一位老大爷向他讲起了蒺藜树丛的故事,说树篱之内有一座漂亮的王宫,王宫里有一位仙女般的公主,她的名字叫玫瑰公主,她和整座王宫及里面的人都在沉睡 。他还说,他曾听他的爷爷谈起有许许多多的王子来过这儿,他们都想穿过树篱,但都被缠在里面死去了 。
then the young man said, "I am not afraid. I will go there and see the beautiful Little pier-Rose." However much the good old man tried to dissuade him, the prince would not listen to his words.
听了这些,这位王子说:「所有这些都吓不倒我,我要看玫瑰公主去!」老人劝他不要去试,可他却坚持要去 。
the hundred years had just passed, and the day had come when Little pier-Rose was to awaken. When the prince approached the thorn hedge, it was nothing but large, beautiful flowers that separated by themselves, allowing him to pass through without harm, but then behind him closed back into a hedge.