幼儿英语故事 最经典最好听的英语故事大全

幼儿英语故事 最经典最好听的英语故事大全

如何给孩子讲英语故事?其实让幼儿学习英语故事首先应该选择短的故事,简单的英语故事,让宝宝慢慢的学习 。
如果一个故事太长了,孩子刚开始本来就听不太懂的话,还要听那么久,会让孩子失去兴趣,从而对英语感到厌烦,这就适而其反了 。所以下面育儿网小编为妈妈们准备了几个超级简单的英语故事,一起来学了讲给孩子们听吧!
The year after this, another sister became fifteen. She went up to the top of the sea. But the water was cold and there was much snow everywhere on the land. She soon came back.The five sisters were very happy when they went to the top of the sea to look at ships, cities, and men. But they did not remember these things for long. Their own home soon began to look more beautiful than anything which they saw at the top of the sea or on the land.The five sisters went up to the to……
1.Once upon a time there lived a blind man in a village. He had been blind in both eyes for many years.
从前一个村子里住着一个瞎子,他双目失明已有许多年了 。
2.He lived a happy life because he got on well with his neighbors and they often helped him.
他生活得很好,因为他与邻居们相处融洽,他们常常照顾他 。
3.It was New Year’s eve. All the people celepated the Spring Festival joyfully.
大年三十,人们欢度新春佳节 。
4.The blind man was steaming jiaozi at home.
瞎子在家蒸饺子 。
5.After a while,he finished the work.
很快,他蒸好了饺子 。
6.A bowl of jiaozi in one hand,a lamp in the other. He sent the jiaozi to the neighbors.
他一手端着饺子,一手提着灯笼,把饺子给邻居们送去 。
7.They were very strange: Isn’t it like lighting a candle (蜡烛) for a blind person — a sheer (绝对的) waste?
【幼儿英语故事 最经典最好听的英语故事大全】邻居们都倍感惊讶:这岂不是瞎子点灯——白费蜡吗?
8.At last, they understood what the blind man meant. It was New Years eve. There was no moon. The blind man did so in order to…
邻居们终于明白了瞎子的用意 。
In past times there were a king and a queen, who said every day, "Oh, if only we had a child!" but they never received one.
以前,有个国王和王后一直没有孩子,他们为此非常伤心苦恼 。
then it happened one day while the queen was sitting in her bath, that a frog crept out of the water onto the ground and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled, and before a year passes you will ping a daughter into the world."
有一天,王后正在河边散步,一条小鱼把头浮出水面对她说:「你的愿望就会实现了,不久你就会生下一个女儿的 。」
What the frog said did happen, and the queen gave birth to a girl who was so beautiful that the king could not contain himself for joy, and he ordered a GREat celepation. He invited not only his relatives, friends, and acquaintances, but also the wise women so that they would be kindly disposed toward the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but because he had only twelve golden plates from which they were to eat, one of them had to remain at home.
过了一段时间,那条小鱼所预言的情况真的实现了,王后真的生下了一个非常漂亮的女儿 。国王高兴得时时刻刻爱不释手,决定举行一个大型宴会 。他不仅邀请了他的亲戚、朋友和外宾,而且邀来了几乎所有的女巫师,让她们为他的女儿送来善良美好的祝愿 。他的王国里一共有十三个女巫师,而他只有十二个金盘子来招待她们进餐,所以他只邀请了十二个女巫师,留下一个没有邀请 。