. 鼠Rat [r?t]
二. 牛Ox[ 英][?ks] [美][ɑks]
三. 虎Tiger ['ta?g?]
四. 兔Rabbit ['r?b?t]
五. 龙Dragon ['dr?g(?)n]
六. 蛇Snake [sne?k]
七. 马Horse[h??s]
八. 羊Goat [g??t]
九. 猴Monkey ['m??k?]
十. 鸡Rooster ['ru?st?]
十一. 狗Dog[d?g]
十二. 猪Boar [b??]
英语中 , 当谈个人出生的属相时 , 表达为:
“What animal sign were you born under? 你属什么?
I was born in the year of the Rat. / Mine is the Rat.(我属鼠 。)”
1、This year is my year of fate.
2、This year is my animal year.
3、This year is my birth year.
4、This year is my big year
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