压力的两种来源,你是哪一种?( 二 )


阴影整合压力Integration of shadow stress means it is a signpost to my past. For example, I go to a job interview, and I am stressed before. Maybe I’m excited, maybe I’m afraid, maybe I have a strong demand in myself that I need to be in a certain way.
“阴影整合压力”是关于我过去的指示牌 。例如 , 我在参加一个工作面试前会很有压力 。这可能是因为我很兴奋、或是很恐惧 , 或是我内在强烈地想要以某种方式来自我呈现 。

But whatever it is, there is an underlying dimension, of emotional feeling of awareness, that most probably is not fully included. There might be many other exams, or situations that a part of my moment that have nothing to do with this moment.
但不论是什么原因 , 下面都有一个更深的维度 , 一个情绪感知与自我觉察的维度 , 没有被我归因到压力的表症中 。可能面试的同时我还有很多其它考试 , 或是有很多其实与面试毫不相关的情境(让我感到压力) 。
So actually, my past is like a movie advertisement, or movie commercials that are being projected on top of the main movie. And of course in a stronger version, all the traumatizing aspects in my past will definitely speak a lot of voice in the stressful moments of today, so that means that the challenging or difficult moments of my life are literally signpost to growth.
事实上 , 我过去的经历就像是广告或是弹幕 , 投影在了当下真实发生的剧情之上 。当然还有更强烈的可能 , 我所有过往的创伤会在有压力的时刻大声叫嚷、干扰当下 。这其实意味着 , 我生命中那些充满挑战与困难的压力时刻 , 其实是成长的路标 。

And I think every serious practitioner of inner work of inner development that everybody who wants to manifest more of his or her potential in the world, needs certain kinds of practice that we can no longer live difficult moments in our life.
我相信每一个认真关注践行内在发展、希望将自己的潜能更多地显化在世间的人 , 都需要一些练习 , 让自己不沦陷于生命中的困难时刻 。
I think we need deeper practice and more serious look at our life to find out what is actually the composition, what is the orchestra playing in the difficult moment.
我认为我们需要更深刻的练习 , 并且更严肃地看向我们的生命 。去找出身处困难时刻时 , 到底是什么在影响着我们 。

进化发展压力And then there is other part that relates more to what I said before, what I would call, evolutionary stress. That’s when somebody that wants to run 100 meters in 0.1 second faster, or 0.2 seconds faster, which means these qualities in our life that needs to expand and grow with the change of the world.
同时 , 还有另外一种类型的压力 , 我称之为“进化发展压力” 。就像是一个百米运动员想要把成绩提高0.1或0.2秒那样 , 这种压力的产生是因为随着世界的变化 , 生命中的一些素质需要拓展、成长 。

And I believe we are growing into a time, that already started, which is finding out that lots of structures in our culture are going to change, and that many people will be called to change. So there is one way, where I resist the change, and I resist that development.