

Many many people wake up in the morning and go to bed, with text messages, with whatsapp messages, with emails. So we are constantly connected in the middle of night, the phone is blipping. So it might reduce our sleeping time.
许多人入睡前和醒来后做的事 , 就是发信息、刷朋友圈或是收发邮件 。即使在深夜 , 我们也在持续地与外界连接 。枕边的手机信号灯还在闪烁着接收信息 。这很可能会减少我们的睡眠时间 。
We might have families, we might have commitment in culture. We might want to do spiritual practice, we might also love to enjoy our life. So there are many things that seems to be more and more squeeze into our 24-hour schedule.
同时我们还有家人 , 我们文化中还有一些义务与承诺 , 我们可能还想要做精神练习或是好好享受生命 。你会发现 , 我们把越来越多的事情塞挤进每天仅有的24小时中 。

【压力的两种来源,你是哪一种?】And so I believe that there is literally an amazing change going on in our world, that we are being born into a new age. A new age that is also defined by new technology, but also by the fact that our world came together on our mobile phones, so that we are exposed to a lot of information instantly often around the world. So that we are been born into a global citizenship.
我相信我们的世界发生着不可思议的变化 。我们进入了一个新的时代 , 这个新时代被新的科技定义着 。世界通过手机呈现在我们面前 , 我们持续地暴露在全球巨大的信息量下 。我们进入了一个世界公民的时代 。
Even though recently more and more nationalistic tendencies try to rebalance a movement that actually we cannot stop.
尽管近来民族主义趋势日益抬头 , 尝试对冲这全球化的趋势 , 然而这趋势却是无法避免的 。
We are also in a world that also become more and more mentalized. Sometimes disconnected with more and more from our emotions, our physical experience, and we also live in a world where a lot of trauma is being inflicted every day.
同时 , 我们也处在一个越来越强调脑部智力的世界 , 越来越频繁地与我们的情绪、身体失联 。我们也生活在一个每天都有创伤被激发的世界 。

So one could say, wow, we are literally living in a very complex world, and there are obvious reasons to be stressed. We can be stressed if we lose our job, we can be stressed if something happen to our relationship, or we might not find a relationship. We might be stressed about the overall course of the world.
因此有的人可能会说 , “哇!我们处在一个如此复杂的世界里 , 毫无疑问会感受到巨大的压力 , 我们会担心失去工作 , 我们会担心关系出现意外 , 我们会担心找不到另一半 , 全世界的进程也会让我们倍感压力 。
But actually, I think at the end, it boils down to two types, two aspects. It boils down to stress that I would love to call shadow of integration stress, and then there is another kind of stress that is evolutionary stress or developmental stress.
其实归根结底 , 这些压力最后可分为两种类型 。其中一种类型 , 我称之为“阴影整合压力”;另一种类型 , 是“进化发展压力” 。