压力的两种来源,你是哪一种?( 三 )

我相信我们还生活在这样的一个时代 , 文化中的结构范式开始变化 , 很多人也被召唤着随之改变 。我要么就抗拒这些变化 , 但也因此拒绝了成长 。
And there is another way, where I align with the development in a grounded way, and therefore, the second part of the big chunk which we might call stress, is actually evolution knocking at our door, and saying it’s time to move, and it’s time to move, sometimes it’s time to move our relationship, sometimes it’s to move at work, sometime it’s time to move in a way that we relate to our culture.
不过 , 我还有另一个选择 , 就是用一种落地的方式与发展同步 。在这种情况下 , 我所谓的难以下咽的“压力” ,  其实是“进化”在敲门 , 它在门外说“是时候改变了” 。这种改变 , 有时是关系需要改变 , 有时是工作方式需要改变 , 有时是我们与文化连接的方式需要改变 。


But there is often in us, a deeper knowing when it’s time to move. And often change scares us. Change is something that sounds simple when it is a predictable change. But it is not easy very often when it is unpredictable change. It’s easy when it is changing in the direction that I like. But sometimes it’s harder when life is change in a way that I don’t like so much.
其实我们内在更深的层面早已知道“是时候改变了” ,  只不过我们惧怕这种改变 。当变化在预料之中时 , 我们很容易接纳它;但在预料之外时 , 我们就很抗拒变化 。当变化如我所愿时 , 我就很容易接纳它;当事与愿违时 , 我就很抗拒变化 。
So when evolution pushes, I might experience this as stress, when life gets faster, I might experience this as stress. If structure in a culture runs change, I might experience this as stress. And I might also see another person as stress, so then we reconfirm with each other the stress that life seems to make.
因此 , 当进化推着我们改变时 , 我可能感觉这是压力;当生命节奏变快时 , 我可能感觉这是压力;当身处的文化结构发生了改变 , 我可能感觉这是压力;我也有可能把别人当做压力 , 当我们彼此强化这种想法时 , 就感觉生命给我们制造了压力 。
But if I’m willing to move, if I am willing to take on the challenge to move, and I’m willing to expand my life, so then what I call stress in the first place, is actually invitation to growth, to become a new future.
但是一旦我愿意去改变、一旦我愿意接受挑战去改变 , 愿意去拓宽我的生命 , 那么最初我称之为“压力”的东西 , 会摇身一变成为成长的邀请 , 最终变成崭新的未来 。

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