
1、首先要纠正不良的饮食习惯 。多食清淡,少食肥甘及各种刺激性食物,如含酒精及香料的食物 。谨防食物中的过酸、过甜、过咸、过苦、过辛,不可使五味有所偏嗜 。有吸烟嗜好的病人,应戒烟 。
2、饮食定时定量 。长期胃痛的病人每日三餐或加餐均应定时,间隔时间要合理 。急性胃痛的病人应尽量少食多餐,平时应少食或不食零食,以减轻胃的负担 。
3、注意营养平衡,平素的饮食应供给富含维生素的食物,以利于保护胃黏膜和提高其防御能力,并促进局部病变的修复 。
4、饮食宜软、温、暖 。烹调宜用蒸、煮、熬、烩,少吃坚硬、粗糙的食物 。进食时不急不躁,使食物在口腔中充分咀嚼,与唾液充分混合后慢慢咽下,这样有利于消化和病后的修复 。
Although stomach pain caused by a variety of diseases, but the most common chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease is due to both the development of the disease is a chronic recurrent fluctuations protraction or recurrent disease prone, so the dietary conditioning
这个时候再喝点帮助养胃的古方的谓松茶 可以健脾养胃,避免胃痛反复带来的痛苦
stomach particularly important, stomach pain patient's diet requirements are as follows:
1, the first to correct poor eating habits. Eat light, Eat fatness and a variety of spicy food, such as alcohol and spices food. Beware of food too sour, too sweet, salty, bitter, too spicy, can not make the flavors somewhat partial addicted. Patients who smoke should quit.
2, eating regular meals. Patients with long-term stomach pain daily meals or snacks should be timed, the time interval to be reasonable. Patients with acute stomach pain should be small meals, usually should Eat or not eat snacks, in order to reduce the burden on the stomach.
3, pay attention to nutritional balance, usually eating vitamin-rich food to be supplied to facilitate the protection of gastric mucosa and to improve their defense capabilities, and to promote local lesion repair.
4, the diet should be soft, warm, warm. Cooking is appropriate to steaming, boiling, boil, braise, eat hard, rough food. Not rash when eating, the food in the mouth fully chew thoroughly mixed with saliva slowly swallow, it is a good digestion and disease after repair.
本秘方是经30年精心研制成果,严禁剽窃、复制、转贴,违者可耻 。
吃饭尽量不要超过三分钟 。
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